Do you know that if you have been bitten by a snake, you should not use suction?

The World Health Organization estimates that 5.4 million people are bitten by snakes each year, with 81,000 to 138,000 of those bites being fatal. The snake bite site is divided into two sections. For the last few decades, it has been proven that detoxification wrapped in cloth does not work.

Snake venom is so contagious that getting rid of it is nearly impossible. Wound removal and suctioning not only increase the risk of secondary infections, but also damage the tissues later on. Tightening the blood with a cloth is also risky. It disrupts blood circulation and concentrates snake venom in one area of the body.

In the worst-case scenario, it can even cause limb injury. If you are bitten by a snake today, it is best to remain calm and seek immediate medical attention. In the event of an injury, patients at Mayo Clinic in the United States are permitted to remove any tight clothing. Caffeinated foods that raise heart rate, as well as abstaining from alcohol and pain relievers It is not advised to take any other medications.

Furthermore, Hopkinsmedicine advises washing the wound with soap and water. To reduce inflammation, cover the wound with a cool, damp cloth. It is also important to remember the snake’s shape (for example, with a photo), as this will be useful when receiving medical treatment. Identification of venomous snake species as larvae; Although differences in the form of a bite can be made, it is important to consult an expert to find the exact answer.

To be safe, if you travel to areas where you may come into contact with snakes, you should be aware of the types of snakes in your area. According to the book Bitten by a Rattlesnake, dry bites account for 25% of all venomous snake bites. This is due to the fact that snakes have excellent control over the amount of venom they produce. If the prey is too large for the snakes to eat, the snakes will usually move on to another prey to avoid wasting their limited venom.